Friday 16 March 2018

The Origin of Silver Surfer

The Origin of Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer is a unique marvel character with amazing superhuman abilities. He is most fond of his freedom, but at several occasions he has demonstrated that he is ready to sacrifice his beloved freedom for the greater good.

The original name of Silver Surfer is Norrin Radd. He is from the Planet Zenn-La from the star system 'Deneb' of the Milky Way galaxy. The citizens of Planet Zenn-La are very long lived and are technologically advanced compared to earth. They were successful in creating a planet devoid of crime, disease, hunger, poverty and extreme desires. This created a neutral environment where the people of Zenn-La had lost will to strive or explore, look for challenges and thrill in life. In this stifling environment, Norrin Radd had a nature of adventure and enthusiasm.

Norrin was the son of Jartan Radd and Elmar Radd. Just like his ambitious father, Norrin grew restless with the culture of the planet yearning for adventure.
Norrin's father taught and developed in him a like for enthusiasm, adventure, excitement, knowledge seeking, exploration abilities. However, later in his life, Jartan would kill himself frustrated by the false allegations of stealing an idea of a piece of tech.

Norrin had a crush on Shalla-Bal, but this love could not cure his restlessness for exploration. He continued his struggle by involving himself in exploring the history of his home planet.

His life took a new turn when his home planet Zenn-La was invaded by a planet consumer giant power called Galactus. Due to the prevailing subtle culture of the planet, no improvements were made in the military and defense systems for a long time. So, the planet Zenn-La was a easy target for the Galactus. After quickly assessing the situation, Norrin was able to convince the military generals to provide him with a super spaceship which can reach near to the Galactus. On the condition of safety of his planet ( especially his crush Shalla-Bal), Norrin agreed to serve Galactus in finding new planets for feeding.

Galactus agreed and bestowed upon him with a portion of his cosmic energy. With his own power and new cosmic power, this is how he turned into the Silver Surfer. With the new energy, Norrin's skin turned into silver and got a silver surfing board into which the cosmic energy was stored. The silver surfing board would provide him with cosmic superpowers only until he was in touch with the board. Without the board, he would lose his cosmic powers, but not his inherited natural powers. It is said that, Norrin Radd agreed to serve Galactus with an idea to find only uninhabited planets to feed. But, soon Galactus tampered with the soul of silver surfer to lose his intellects.

Related #Hashtags:

#marvelomania #originstories #origin #silversurfer #planetzennla #norrinradd #galactus #shallabal #galactusserver #jartanradd #elmarradd #superpowers #alien #intergalactic #apocalypse

Suggested Reads:

1) How Superman Defy Gravity and Fly?

2) Why Lex Luthor Is Bald?

Saturday 24 February 2018

The powers of Thor's Hammer ( Mjölnir)

The powers of Thor's Hammer ( Mjölnir)

Introduction to Mjölnir:

Mjölnir is the weapon of thunder god "Thor". It was forged by Dwarven blacksmiths, and is composed of the fictional Asgardian metal 'uru'. One of the faces of the hammer carries the inscription "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

What powers comes with Mjölnir?

The powers of Thor's Hammer ( Mjölnir)

Mjölnir is considered as one of the most formidable weapons known to man or god. Though it is the primary weapon of thunder god "Thor", the magical inscriptions on the weapon enables any worthy person under given circumstances can wield it and use it for the noble purposes. This is the reason that several other superheroes have been occasionally able to lift the hammer under various circumstances. If you are curious to know who else ( apart from Thor) had lifted or controlled this super weapon, then we recommend you to read our earlier post "Top 10 persons who lifted Mjolnir".

In this post, we would like to share with you the most well known powers that are offered by this divine weapon. Below are the powers commonly associated with the hammer of thor ( Mjölnir).

1) It is said to have the impact power sufficient to level an entire mountains.
2) It also has the ability to create vortices and force fields (capable of containing an explosion that could potentially destroy a galaxy)
3) It can emit mystical blasts of energy
4) It can control electromagnetism
5) It can be used for molecular manipulation
6) It is also known to generate the Geo-Blast (an energy wave that taps a planet's gravitational force)
7)To create Anti-Force (energy created to counter-act another force)
8) The thermo-blast which can even challenge such beings as Ego the living planet
9) To create a God Blast (a blast that taps into Thor's life force)
10) The hammer can travel through planets to return to Thor
11) It can even create antimatter particles
12) Whirling the Mjölnir in round motion can create winds powerful enough to lift the Taj Mahal.
13) The hammer can also move extremely heavy objects, including the Washington Monument.

Rarely Used Abilities of Mjölnir:

1) Mjölnir can track a person and mystical items.
2) It can absorb energy, such as draining the Asgardian powers of the Wrecking Crew into the Wrecker
3) It can detect illusions, as Thor once commanded the hammer to strike the demonic Mephisto, who was hiding amongst false images of himself.
4) As a former religious relic, Mjölnir is lethal to the undead, causing creatures such as vampires to burst into flame and crumble to dust.
5) Mjölnir also can project images, as Thor shows a glimpse of Asgard to fellow Avenger Iron Man.
6) It is near-indestructible, surviving bullets, Anti-matter, and the Melter's melting beam.

Motion Properties of Mjölnir:

The hammer has two properties relating to movement. When it is deliberately thrown by Thor, it will return to his hand despite any intervening obstacles or distance, even travelling through planets to return to Thor. But, when it has been dropped or set aside, it takes a fixed position, from which it cannot be moved except by a 'worthy' individual.

Related Hashtags:

#marvelomania #thor #mjolnir #thorshammer #hammer #godweapon #thorweapon #uru #powers #odin #asgard #worthy #odinson #thundergod

Top-10 Persons Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Mjölnir is the weapon of thunder god "Thor". It was forged by Dwarven blacksmiths, and is composed of the fictional Asgardian metal 'uru'. One of the faces of the hammer carries the inscription "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

For the unworthy, the hammer becomes too heavy to budge. While the hammer is Thor's signature weapon, a handful of other characters have actually been able to pick it up, one way or another. In this post, we would like to share the brief incidences in which few other superheroes were able to wield or control it. To know more about the powers and abilities of this divine weapon, read our post "Powers of Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir)"

1) Odin:

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Being the supreme god of Asgard and creator of the weapon itself, there is no wonder he was able to life the Mjolnir, but he has not used it for battle purposes. He himself handed over the hammer to Thor on his coronation day and took it back when thor disregarded his words. As per Odin, thor was not yet ready to take the role of a king and hence denied the Mjolnir power until thor understood what it really meant to be a wise and Nobel king.

2) Vision:

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Being the bearer of one of the infinity stones, Vision had far greater super powers than thor. Without a real intention to use it, in one scene, Vision lifts the thor's hammer without a glitch and hands over to thor. Notably, an earlier scene in the film establishes that this signifies that Vision is pure of heart and therefore "worthy" of lifting the hammer.

3) Hela:

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

In the movie Thor: Ragnarok, Hela is shown to successfully hold the Mjolnir, even smash it into pieces just by her hand. This was a surprise move for many of the thor fans around the globe, because no way she was worthy to wield it. In fact, she had the cruel intentions as perceived by viewers. However, this is said to associated with the unwritten agreement of Hela's prison due to the enchantment provided by Odin, the head of gods. When Odin died, Hela was the next in line as per ancestor hierarchy. This could mean that Hela was almost as powerful as that of Odin himself. This could be one of the reasons why Mjolnir came under the control of Hela as shown in the film.

4) Beta Ray Bill:

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Beta Ray Bill was the chosen protector of his race, the Korbinites, and genetically modified to become their protector as they fled their galaxy's destruction. Bill and Thor initially came into conflict through a classic case of superhero misunderstanding. Thor was knocked unconscious during the fight and reverted to the form of Dr. Donald Blake. And when Bill picked up Blake's walking stick and struck it against the wall, he suddenly found himself wielding Mjolnir and the power of Thor.

This alien defender proved himself worthy where countless others had failed. And by all rights, defeating Thor in battle and claiming his weapon made Bill the rightful owner of Mjolnir. But instead of keeping it, Odin had another enchanted hammer forged named Stormbreaker and gave it to Bill. Thor got Mjolnir back, plus he found himself a new friend and powerful ally.

5) Bor ( Grand Father of Thor)

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Once Loki used his magic to resurrect Odin's father, Bor, in the middle of Manhattan. Thanks to his confusion and Loki's manipulation, Bor saw the city as a realm full of demons in need of smiting. And when his grandson appeared to intervene, Bor saw him only as the lord of the demons. Thus began a furious battle between Thor (empowered with the might of the Odinforce) and a god more powerful than even Odin himself. When Thor launched Mjolnir at Bor, the elder god merely caught the hammer and tossed it away. Thor was eventually able to summon all his might and bring down his grandfather, but the feat left Mjolnir shattered. And for the crime of striking down a fellow Asgardian, Thor was banished from Midgard. Which, of course, was what Loki really wanted all along.

6) Captain America:

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Steve Rogers (Captain America) has proven worthy of wielding the hammer on two separate occasions. The first came in 1988, during a period where Steve had abandoned the mantle of Captain America and gone independent as "The Captain." Cap paid a visit to his buddy Thor at Avengers Mansion, only for the team to be attacked by Grog and the Demons of Death. When Thor was subdued by the combined might of these villains, Cap was able to lift Mjolnir long enough to send it back to its rightful owner.

Cap had the chance to wield Mjolnir for a slightly longer stretch in the event Fear Itself. With his trusty shield having been shattered by the Serpent, Cap had nothing but some automatic weapons to battle the Serpent's minions. Luckily for him, Thor lost his grip on Mjolnir during his battle with his uncle. Mjolnir crashed to Earth, and Cap hoisted it high and led the charge.

7) Hulk

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

Given Hulk's temperament and love of smashing, he's come into conflict with Thor a number of times over the years. And Hulk being the strongest one there is, he's attempted to lift Mjolnir with varying degrees of success in their many battles. Once Thor attempted to wallop Thanos with Mjolnir, only for Thanos to mind-control Hulk and force the Jade Giant to catch the hammer. Hulk was able to both deflect Mjolnir and whack Thor in the face with it. Granted, Thor was still holding onto Mjolnir throughout the brief skirmish, but we'll give Hulk the accomplishment all the same.

8) Magneto:

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

When thor defeated and killed Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, causing their father Magneto to spiral into grief. Magneto used his control over electromagnetism to steal Mjolnir and wield it himself. Essentially, he manipulated the environment around Mjolnir rather than truly lifting it himself. But the trick got results, as Magneto was able to use the hammer to make good on an old threat and reverse Earth's magnetic poles. Apparently Uru metal behaves differently depending where you live.

9)Red Hulk:

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

In one event, Red Hulk went toe-to-toe with Thor and beat him with his own hammer. First the villain used the hammer's momentum to drag both of them into space, and then used the weightless environment to swing away. Thor looked about as surprised as most people reading the comic. It didn't necessarily endear Red Hulk to Thor fans, but the good news is that Thor handily won their rematch a couple years later. May be the lack of gravity could have helped here, because when you combine a super-strong villain with the lack of gravity in outer space, then suddenly Mjolnir isn't such a great challenge.

10) Superman

Who were able to Lift Thor's Hammer ( Mjolnir)

I have retained the best to the last. Superman is certainly honorable enough to wield Mjolnir, but he doesn't exactly have the heart of a warrior. So in ordinary circumstances, Supes would be unable to lift the hammer. Luckily, Odin's enchantment isn't a permanent thing. Superman found that out as he lead the Avengers and Justice League in a losing battle against the nigh-omnipotent Krona. He was able to lift Mjolnir and deal a single, crippling blow to the villain's machine. In the aftermath of the battle, Superman found himself unable to lift the hammer. Thor revealed to his new friend that Odin had lifted the enchantment temporarily, sensing that the hammer was in good hands with the Man of Steel.

Related Hashtags:

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Thursday 22 February 2018

Which Superhero has got the Hottest Girlfriend?

Here, we have a list of 3 Super pairs. In your view, which superhero is lucky to have the hottest girlfriend? Let us know your options with reasons in the comments section. 

Alternatively, you can also tell your opinions in our official facebook post(click here). 

A : Lois Lane(Amy Adams) with Superman(Henry Cavill)
B: Pepper Potts(Gwyneth Paltrow) with Ironman(Robert Downey).
C: Jane Foster(Natalie Portman) with Thor(Chris Hemsworth).

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#marvelomania #superheroes #girlfriends #superpair #hot #superman #ironman #thor #loislane #amyadams #henrycavill #pepper #pepperpotts #gwynethpaltrow #robertdowney #janefoster #natalieportman #chrishemsworth

The Origin of Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer is a unique marvel character with amazing superhuman abilities. He is most fond of his freedom, but at several occasions...

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